- 電解質異常
- 低ナトリウム血症や低カリウム血症などがあらわれる場合がある
- 倦怠感、食欲不振、吐き気、嘔吐などの症状がみられる場合は放置せず、医師や薬剤師に連絡する
- 過敏症
- 頻度は稀とされるが、発疹、顔面潮紅、光線過敏症などがあらわれる場合がある
- 精神神経系症状
- めまい、頭痛などがあらわれる場合がある
- 高所作業や運転などの危険を伴う機械操作の際は特に注意が必要
Thiazide diuretics are widely used for the management of hypertension. In recent years, it has been actively debated that there is interchangeability of thiazide-type diuretics hydrochlorothiazide and thiazide-like diuretics including indapamide and chlorthalidone for the treatment of hypertension. With the purpose of seeking out the best thiazide diuretic for clinicians, we summarized the existing evidence on the two types of drugs and conducted a meta-analysis on their efficacy in lowering blood pressure and effects on blood electrolyte, glucose and total cholesterol. Twelve trials were identified: five based on the comparison of indapamide versus hydrochlorothiazide and seven based on the chlorthalidone versus hydrochlorothiazide. In the meta-analysis of blood pressure reduction, thiazide-like diuretics seemed to further reduce systolic BP ([95% CI]; -5.59 [-5.69, -5.49]; P < 0.001) and diastolic BP ([95% CI]; -1.98 [-3.29, -0.66]; P = 0.003). Meanwhile, in the analysis of side effects, the incidence of hypokalemia ([95% CI]; 1.58 [0.80, 3.12]; P = 0.19), hyponatremia ([95% CI]; -0.14 [-0.57, 0.30], P = 0.54), change of blood glucose ([95% CI];0.13 [-0.16, 0.41], P = 0.39) and total cholesterol ([95% CI]; 0.13 [-0.16, 0.41], P = 0.39) showed that there is no statistical significant differences between the two groups of drugs. In conclusion, using thiazide-like diuretics is superior to thiazide-type diuretics in reducing blood pressure without increasing the incidence of hypokalemia, hyponatraemia and any change of blood glucose and serum total cholesterol.
Thiazide and the Thiazide-Like Diuretics: Review of Hydrochlorothiazide, Chlorthalidone, and Indapamide
- DOI: 10.1093/ajh/hpac048
The term thiazide is universally understood to refer to diuretics that exert their principal action in the distal tubule. The thiazide class is heterogenous and can be further subdivided into compounds containing the benzothiadiazine ring structure-the thiazide-type (e.g., hydrochlorothiazide)-and those lacking the benzothiadiazine ring-the thiazide-like (e.g., chlorthalidone and indapamide) drugs. Thiazide-like agents are longer acting and constitute the diuretics used in most of the cardiovascular outcome trials that established benefits of treatment with diuretics, but pragmatic aspects, such as lack of availability in convenient formulations, limit their use. Regardless of class heterogeneity, thiazides have retained importance in the management of hypertension for over 60 years. They are reliably effective as monotherapy in a majority of hypertensive patients, and augment the efficacy of other classes of antihypertensives when used in combination. Importantly, a thiazide-based treatment regimen lowers cardiovascular events, and their sturdy effect reinforces their place among the recommended first-line agents to treat hypertension in major domestic and international hypertension guidelines. There are few head-to-head comparisons within the class, but potential differences have been explored indirectly as well as in non-blood pressure mechanisms and potential pleiotropic properties. Until proven otherwise, the importance of these differences remains speculative, and clinicians should assume that cardiovascular events will be lowered similarly across agents when equivalent blood pressure reduction occurs. Thiazides remain underutilized, with only about one-third of hypertensive patients receiving them. For many patients, however, a thiazide is an indispensable component of their regimen to achieve adequate blood pressure control.
Keywords: blood pressure; chlorthalidone; hydrochlorothiazide; hypertension; indapamide; thiazide diuretic.
Inhibition mechanism of NKCC1 involves the carboxyl terminus and long-range conformational coupling.
(2022) Sci Adv 8: eabq0952-eabq0952
- PubMed Abstract: